Dr. Stile sticking to his mission to help change lives by selecting Victoria Wilcher as a candidate for his foundation’s ‘Nominate a Child Program’.

In addition to providing meals to help children facing food insecurity by donating over 1.3 million meals to date, The Frank L. Stile Foundation has been on a mission to help change lives. Our mission statement states: “The Frank L. Stile Foundation’s goal is to raise awareness in addition to resources for the purpose of bettering the health, nutrition, safety and well-being of children”.

One of the many ways we help children in need is by providing reconstructive and/or cosmetic surgeries. These services are given to children we pick that were nominated through our program. Our program is called the ‘Nominate a Child Program’.

The Frank L. Stile Foundation’s reconstructive and/or cosmetic surgeries offered by foundation founder Dr. Stile can help give a child the chance at a full, normal life. One of the many ways that our interventions can help is that they aid children by relieving psychological stressors. Those stressors include: lowered self-esteem, negative body image and difficulties in social interaction.

In the past, we have helped children who have been subject to bullying or harassment of their peers, strangers and more through helping them with our surgical services. One child that we have helped to note is Victoria Wilcher.

If you have not heard about Victoria’s story and how we helped, please take a minute to read the excerpt of the story below.


The Frank L. Stile Foundation to help young dog attack victim

Jackson, Mississippi toddler mistreated by KFC employee to be treated by top cosmetic surgeon as she recovers from dog attack.


Las Vegas, NV — The Frank L. Stile Foundation, which is located in Las Vegas, Nevada, has announced a grant to the family of Victoria Wilcher, a 3-year-old Mississippi girl who was savagely mauled by three dogs owned by her grandfather. This grant covers surgical and other medical treatments designed to correct extensive facial damage suffered in the near-fatal attack — she also lost an eye in the April, 2014 incident.

“I’ll be flying to meet with Victoria and her family over the weekend to examine and review her medical history and determine the best course of treatment,” Dr. Frank Stile said, the cosmetic surgeon who has taken on her case. “Along with many other people I was deeply touched by Victoria’s plight and am pleased to donate time and the foundation’s resources toward restoring her to the best possible health.”

Dr. Frank Stile is a board certified cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon with extensive cosmetic reconstructive experience and training. He has a prominent and successful private practice in the Las Vegas area.

“Complex facial reconstruction cases require time and multiple staged procedures, especially with a patient in her early years,” notes Dr. Stile. “But we have every expectation of a much happier future for Victoria following treatment.”

Along with The Frank L. Stile Foundation initiatives, Dr. Raymond E. Peters and the Center for Custom Prosthetics in Naples, Florida, will be donating the prosthetic eye Victoria needs. Time is of the essence.


According to an article written a few years ago, Victoria is receiving help from Dr. Raymond Peters in getting a prosthetic eye made for her every six months as her eye socket grows as she ages, so she has been and will be in good hands.

We would love to help more children in the future through our foundation’s ‘Nominate a Child Program’. We know there are more children out there like Victoria, but we can’t do it alone. We need your help finding children that could benefit from this program.

If you are moved by Victoria’s story and are compelled to contribute towards our cause to help more children like her, please take a minute to nominate your child or a child you know under our Nominate a Child Program by filling out the form below.

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