Meals provided this year
Meals provided since 2011
Meals to donate 2023
More About Us
Our Mission
Nominate a Child
For over five years, The Frank L. Stile Foundation has worked tirelessly to help end child hunger. We are the only plastic surgery practice in Nevada that dedicates a portion of all proceeds to provide meals and services to help children locally and nationally. Thank you for making The Frank L. Stile Foundation and the children we serve a part of your life and a part of your giving.

Schedule your giving as either a one-time donation or as a month to month gift to support our on-going initiatives.
If you are moved by our goals and initiatives, please donate below. No gift is too small!
Whether financially, by nominating a child or through volunteering, we encourage you to take a moment and help our cause in any way you can.
We Support

Nominate a Child
Our non-profit provides resources to improve the health, nutrition, safety and well-being of children. We work to increase awareness of food insecurity in our community and nationally through education. The founder of The Frank L. Stile Foundation, Dr. Stile, also donates his professional services. Our Nominate a Child initiative considers and selects children with special cosmetic/ physical needs. Selected children receive cosmetic and/or reconstructive procedures at no cost to them or their families.
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